Pakistanis Flock Abroad for Jobs: 2.1 Million Employed in 5 Years

Pakistanis Flock Abroad for Jobs: 2.1 Million Employed in 5 Years

According to sources, a staggering 2.1 million Pakistanis have traveled abroad for employment opportunities in the last five years, with a significant number of them being drivers. The data reveals that:

  • 733,835 drivers have been employed abroad through Overseas Employment Promoters (OEPs) in the last five years.
  • 83,938 drivers have already been employed abroad till July 31, 2024.
  • In contrast, only 8 Pakistani pilots have been employed abroad through OEPs in the last five years, with 5 of them being employed this year.
  • 45 air hostesses have been employed abroad in the last five years, with only 1 being employed this year.

The demand for Pakistani drivers abroad remains high, with the majority of them being employed in the Middle East. The data highlights the growing trend of Pakistanis seeking employment opportunities abroad, with a significant increase in the number of people traveling abroad for work in recent years.

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