Major Legal Scam in India: Fake Court Operated for Years in Gujarat

Major Legal Scam in India: Fake Court Operated for Years in Gujarat

Fake Judges Uncovered in Ahmedabad: Lawyer Allegedly Issues Fraudulent Rulings

Ahmedabad: In a shocking revelation, a fake court operating in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, has been exposed, with a lawyer named Morris Christian allegedly issuing fraudulent judgments on important criminal cases related to multi-crore properties. The one-room court functioned for years without detection, as Christian and his colleagues dealt with controversial agricultural and urban land disputes.

The scam came to light when a fake verdict was challenged in the court of the Ahmedabad District and Sessions Judge, prompting the registrar to file a complaint with the police. Following an investigation, Morris Christian was arrested, with authorities confirming that several decisions made by the fake court had been implemented by the administration.

Hardik Desai, the registrar of the Bhadra City Civil and Sessions Court, stated that the accused had committed fraud under the name of Thakur Bapuji Chanaji, highlighting the severe breach of judicial integrity.

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